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Please keep in mind that at Dawn of Health Therapies we do not diagnose, treat, or cure disease.

These statements have not been reviewed by the FDA. We are help support your body to strengthen itself, and help teach you how to listen to and recognize what your body needs. We don't take the place of your doctor and cannot prescribe or take you off prescribed drugs.  If you need medical advice, please consult your physician.

BioEnergetic Assessment & Consultation
Your body has processes that work like electrical circuitry that needs to run optimally. We measure the status of that circuitry simply and non-invasively. The amount of and speed that the energy flows through that point and back lets keys us into what areas of your body need more attention first. Using sophisticated and customized computer software, we have access to a wealth of customized information about your body and the appropriate options available to you to get back to optimal operation. 
Emotional Neutralization and Reprogramming
A very powerful emotional management tool.   We scan for the negative emotions that need to be processed, determine where these emotions come from. Then once the body is ready, clear them so that they cannot hold the body back any longer.  Next, unlike many systems, we determine the positive emotions that need to be amplified creating remedies and giving you tools to go home with so you can continue progress until the next session.
Homeopathic, Herbal & Essential Oil Natural Remedies
We are able to determine if your current regime is working with your body and also determine the best current homeopathic and herbal remedies based upon what balances out your body's energy and what it is calling for. These are determined with your current plan with your healthcare provider / medical doctor in mind. Any homeopathic, herbal, essential oil, or supplement are additional to the consultation fee.

Being prepared ahead of time for illness and other non-emergencies with home remedies is something that is better to do ahead of time.  Singular and kit items are available.  
Functional Genetic Planning
Your Genetics don't make your future.  They show us your weaknesses and predispositions, but they are not your future!  You have full control over the epigenetic expression, you have the power! 
Taking your own personal Genetics I can help you make a plan using supplement, energetic product and Environmental influences to reach optimal health based upon your own genetics by strengthening your weaknesses.  
Quantum Re-Alignments &  Energy Balancing
Using your body's God given energy we are able to align the body and systems to allow for optimum flow and energetic and physical healing.  Non invasive and painless faith based healing is able to align areas that have been unable to be fixed by other methods.  Help remove pain and get the body moving in the right direction
Pet Assessments
Just like humans, pets have energetic Pathways that need adjusting sometimes.  We are able to test biological samples and help balance out your pets energy.  Unlike humans pets usually take to energetic treatments easier and faster! 
Therapy can be either picked up or shipped for you to administer to your horse, dog, cat, or other livestock. 
Remote Consultations
All above service are available globally for those that are not in the area or are unable to make it to the office. Using a sample, we complete the testing and complete a consult at a scheduled time via phone or other means as needed.  Remedies may then be shipped to you. If you have any questions or more information is needed, please call or email. Standard consult rates apply plus remedies and shipping.
Rainbow and Waterfall
Sleeping Dogs
Map in Grass
Ocean Rocks
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